Christmas Specials Wiki
Christmas Specials Wiki

"Santa '85" is a Christmas-themed episode of the 1985 Anthology TV series Amazing Stories.


Kris Kringle's Christmas is rudely interrupted when he lands in the clink with a bunch of bogus Santas after tripping a home burglar alarm, and his only hope of deliverance is the passionate belief of an eight-year-old boy (Gabriel Damon).


  • This episode takes place on December 24, 1985.
  • Douglas Seale would portray Santa Claus again in Ernest Saves Christmas.


Voice actor Character
Douglas Seale Santa Claus
Pat Hingle  Sheriff Horace Smyvie
Gabriel Damon  Bobby Mynes
Marvin J. McIntyre  Deputy Weatherby
Frances Bay Mrs. Santa Claus
Stephen Lee Dad
Joan Welles Mom

External links

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