Christmas Specials Wiki
Christmas Specials Wiki

"Sisters At Heart" is the fourth and final Christmas episode of the ABC sitcom Bewitched, aired in the show's seventh season. Originally aired on December 24, 1970, it is remembered most of all for a light sitcom tackling the very real world issues of prejudice and racism.


As Christmas approaches, Tabitha instantly hits it off with Lisa Wilson, the daughter of her parents' friends (overseas for the holidays), to the point the two wish they could be real sisters. Even though they are told that their differing races mean they can't be sisters, the two cite the loving messages of the season and determine to change what they see as unacceptable. But for once, even the spell Tabitha casts to try and make this true is not the real problem. When a bigoted client of MacMahon & Tate sees Lisa and thinks she is his daughter as well, he demands that Darrin be removed from his account, if not fired. In the end, Larry, in a break from his traditional characterization as greedy and controlling, calmly takes the client aside and flatly tells him, "We don't do business with bigots." With that Christmas miracle under their belts, the Stephenses celebrate a very happy holiday.

See also

External links

  • episode
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